One thing that the rain has done for sure is show us where we have drainage deficiencies. Areas that we have installed drainage over the last couple of weeks are before the pond on hole 1, and from the turn around to the capped ditch on 14. Tying in to some existing drainage and adding a catch basin should substantially improve the conditions on 1 but is not complete. Hole 14 required 275' of drainage to solve the issues. There were 3 existing drain lines installed which all succumb to the same fate, Canadian shield. With a little help form the transit we were able to establish a slope that would work with the rock and serve it's purpose. This will be a nice improvement as that area has always been wet. The next area that I see tackling is 100 yards in on 18 fairway as it hasn't been maintainable all season.
14 Drainage
So as everyone has probably noticed we built a new forward tee on hole 6. This will be the new location for the red tee blocks. The forward tee on hole 14 also received a face lift. It was expanded to add yardage to the hole as well manage the amount of traffic that the red tees see. Forward tee construction, as well as tee expansions will be an ongoing initiative. Hole 7 will most likely see its teeing ground improved.
6 Red Tee Deck
As your making your way around the golf course have a look for these couple of things that have been catching our eyes on a daily basis. The peonies in the front garden, putting green and the show stopper at the garden by the irrigation pump house. I dare you to smell them. Not to be forgotten are the foxgloves on the lower patio and the putting green gardens. Both are very showy this time of year enjoy, I know I do.
Peonies in the front garden Foxglove Hole 6
Over the previous couple of years we have been increasing the number of birdhouses that we have installed on the golf course. This season as it stands we have 15 nest boxes, 11 utilized, 35 hatch lings and 15 eggs unhatched. All of the birds inhabiting the nest boxes are tree swallows, however this season we are seeing are first eastern bluebird which has 4 hatch lings. You can see the female a top her nest box to the right of six green throughout the days.
Eastern Blue Bird Hole 6
Effective Friday the "Turf Hotline" will no longer be active. Daily golf course information regarding cart rulings, cultural practises, and any special maintenance practise will be posted daily via twitter. This can be viewed on this blog as well as the men's and ladies section of the Idylwylde website. When viewing the blog click the compatibility view button (looks like a page ripped in half) to the left of the refresh button in address bar to view the page as I intended it to be viewed. This is required when the browser I created the blog in is not compatible with the one you are using. Click it and see what looks best.
Jay Sisko
Golf Course Superintendent
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