Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Things are shaping up!

It was another very eventful week  for us out on the golf course. Greens 12 and 14 have progressed as I would have hoped and we repaired the winter damage on 10 green with sod from our nursery. Unfortunately the damage that 1 green suffered has proven too severe to reestablish through seed. We have seen good results however I just don't feel that the condition of the green is where it needs to be at this point in time. With that being said it feel the best course of action is to sod 1 green as well. We are hoping to sod the green on Wednesday were just waiting for a new cutting blade for the sod cutter that should be here today.

I would anticipate that 1 green will be ready for play the following Wednesday and greens 12 and 14 if all goes well I'm hoping for May the 17th. Other than the few damaged greens (which have made great progress) the golf course is in great shape and I hope that everyone is pleased with the product come this Friday. Were looking forward to seeing everyone out here on Friday and the days following. Enjoy the 2013 golf season.

Jay Sisko
Golf Course Superintendent


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